sponsor a child
A program that serves as a platform to enable children who come from disadvantaged families in the city of Beit Shemesh to realize their potential and guide them to succeed in their studies.

someone to believe in me
A program that serves as a springboard to academic success for the disadvantaged, immigrant Ethiopian youth residing in Bet Shemesh.
projects in cooperation with the city
the Trump program for excellence in mathematics and science
The Trump Program for Excellence in Mathematics and Science aims to expand the circle of excellence in the city, by promoting and encouraging middle and high school students in the city to study in honor classes in math and science.
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
Scholarships for College Students
Financial aid for higher education for students from Bet Shemesh.
The Artists’ House
Gallery work and show space for local artists including art classes for local residents.
The Municipal Employment Administration
Strengthening the employment resilience of households in the city.
Responsibility Education
Educational and environmental activities for at risk youth and Ultra Orthodox high school students.
The Sun Model
Pilot for an entrepreneurial educational model where teachers and students work together with local organizations to tackle community challenges.
Past projects

Empowering Neighborhoods
Rehabilitation of the Physical Environment in this “slum like” area by fixing broken stairs, clearing of waste and making the area look inviting.

Enhancing technology skills
Helping local schools upgrade to teach technological skills.

Summer camp
Allowing children to experience the joy of summer camp.

Music programs
Giving our talented but less able kids the chance to learn and experience music.

Nehanim Be'Noam
Diverse classes at no cost for students with financial difficulties.